Do you have a support system that will support you in times of trouble? I mean more than one person? Studies show that having a system of friends/family that you can turn to during stressful times is a buffer from the trials of life. You will be more healthy, live longer, and laugh more. ⁣

It’s easy to believe that if we have a significant other, then that is about all we need for support. But there is danger in expecting only one person to meet all our emotional needs. We actually need several people to help us through life. ⁣

As I am writing this I am headed to one of my friend’s sweet mom’s funeral. In fact, five of us girlfriends are showing up. Flying from different states just to hold her hand. But that’s what a support system does. They show up when you need someone⁣ to hold your hand. ⁣

All around the world people are reporting higher levels of loneliness. According to a 2018 survey from Cigna, 54% of Americans say they feel like no one knows them well and they feel lonely. ⁣

So here is the question. What can you do to build up your support system if you don’t have one currently? Are you willing to work at it? Are you willing to find people to support you and who you support as well? Are you willing to ask people in your life to help you and to show up when they could use your help as well?

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