“If I am hiding and suppressing the knowledge of my own maleficence, I will never be able to work on the real dysfunction in my life”.
This is hard to hear I know.
Especially in a culture that wants to sell us the “feel good” lie that we are all good, just the way we are.
The hard fact that we are not all good, and maleficence exists in all of us.
We are healed by the downward journey until we find the originating dysfunction. There is something in all of us generating all the different levels of the dysfunction we experience in life. Until we develop the responsibility to identify the role our own maleficence plays into the dysfunction of our life, we are unable to really change.
The pathway to redemption is in the recognition of error. Having the courage to face our own maleficence and to do what
it takes to burn off the different parts of our evil side will have massive effects in changing our world.
Jordan Peterson says, “clean up your room and change your life”. That means it starts with YOU. “Straighten up what you
can straighten up”.
The best of us is enslaved to the worst of us and we must come to terms with the worst of ourselves in order to know where to start in our personal work. Relief comes from identifying personal responsibility in the dysfunction we experience.
It sounds difficult and dark but there is freedom in identifying and learning ways to let go of the maleficence that runs unconsciously in your life. Don’t ignore this very important personal work.
It takes much courage.
Follow up on Instagram for daily thoughts and insights. @mind_helm