You have much power in your choices. Choices that you think have the least power, the ones you make in the privacy of your own company are your most powerful choices. Caroline Myss states, “They have the most power on you as a person.”
Choice is powerful. Choice is the most powerful thing we have going for us and it scares us to death! Most people will do anything to postpone making
a choice.
According to Caroline Myss here are your big choices in life: the choice to live a life of integrity, the choice to decide to pass on wisdom rather than pain, the choice to take risks in your life, the choice to use new words and let go of words such as entitled, deserve and blame, and the choice to get up everyday and bless your day.
Life will never be fair. But you have a choice to stop demanding that it is fair. Healing is not about ever forgetting what has happened but about deciding that “even though this has happened, it will never defeat you.” (Caroling Myss)
“Life happens for you and not to you.”
Live Well.
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