
Overcoming Anxiety


This week in class we learned about the heart and brain connection. Specifically, we learned that breathing into the heart can help calm anxiety. Heart Math has research behind it showing the connection between the signals that the heart sends to the brain and the influence heart rhythm has on emotional processing, attention, perception, memory and problem-solving. ⁣

Simple Heart Math technique: ⁣
1. Touch your heart with your hand⁣
2. Slow your breathing down. Count to 5, inhale through your nose, and slow exhale through your mouth⁣
3. Create a feeling in your heart of care, appreciation, gratitude or compassion for anything or anyone⁣

Using your breath to slow down your heart rate works wonders. ⁣

Other things to try when feeling anxious:⁣
* Cold water on your hands and splash on your face⁣
* Clench your fists, take a deep breath and loosen your fists a little bit at the end of the out breath until your hands are completely open and stretch your fingers outward as much as you can. ⁣
* Repeat calming phrase “I am safe” “I can do this”⁣
* Acknowledge what you are feeling. “That’s just my anxiety”⁣
* Let the tears flow. Tears can help you release emotion⁣
* Use grounding techniques. Notice your surroundings, name the colors, lists your favorite movies, sing the alphabet slowly⁣
* Write down your worries and then challenge them. Ask yourself “is this fact or opinion?” “What is actually true about the situation?”⁣
* Face what is causing you anxiety. The one thing that feeds anxiety the most is avoidance. ⁣

Anxiety in small amounts is common but if your anxiety is ruling your life it is time to start working on some new coping skills. ⁣

It might help to see a counselor to really work on exposure therapy. ⁣

Well, we will see you next week!

Follow up on Instagram for daily thoughts and insights. @mind_helm

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